These poems are by other's.Their names are there.This page might be updated with more new poet's poems. If it will be than it will be announced in the bulletin area in the front Web page.And also if there are anymore updates and anything new are being added.Will be posted there.And any new poems will be put on this page.Thank you talented people's for sharing this.If anyone wants their poems to be here feel free to contact me.
The One
By: Marilyn Bouniu
When trouble come
Do not fall shy
Turn to the one
Seated up high
Stand firm in him
His word is true
Submit to him
You will get through
Just One
by Rob Dilworth
I’m craving something yummy.
I’m craving something sweet,
I long to fill my tummy
With tantalizing treat.
Been feeling rather gloomy,
In need of having fun,
That’s when the cookies drew me;
So might I have just one?
I taste the choc’late flavor
And relish as I chew
The sweetness that I savor,
Just maybe I’ll eat two.
I see my hand is reaching
And I won’t disagree;
So with my conscience screeching,
I’m taking number three.
Ignoring consequences,
I yearn to have one more.
Rejecting common senses,
I reach for number four.
And still another’s calling,
Regardless how I strive.
My weakness is appalling,
I yield to number five.
I know how I’m behaving
But would it be a sin,
If in my endless craving
I end up eating ten?
Then comes the guilty feeling;
Of course, I’m asking, “Why?”
This treat that’s so appealing
Will never satisfy.
So what if I eat twenty?
I’m sure to overstuff.
Would ever I have plenty
Or could there be enough?
No matter what I’m eating;
Just one or twenty-four,
The satisfaction’s fleeting,
I’m always wanting more.
And so it goes with sinning;
For just like my dessert,
We think in the beginning
Just one will never hurt . . .
Living Life
Be not without vision
Seek the Lord's intention
Charge forwards in mission
Heed not the derision
Stand up for righteousness
Be full of faithfulness
Do not withhold forgiveness
Let go of all bitterness
Let It Go
Jesus - oh I'm needin' you now
there is somethin' you can help me find
I can't feel the words on my tongue
but there on my mind
Lonely - is the autumn wind
filling the sail of my empty heart
Lord, I've never seen Your face
but I've heard how You are
Your love is so high
even Venus couldn't begin to kiss it's sky
Let it go - release my pain
Let it go - let Your love be rain for me
Let it go - release my pain
Let it go - let Your blood be rain for me
Father - is it too late for me
You can tell me with one touch of Your hand
warm me with Your faith and give me
a hope to understand
Your love is so thick
even Cupid couldn't put his arms around it
You'll never know
What you will get
Until you show
Your will to step
In or out
Is your own decision
Faith or doubt
Determines condition
Deep Inside
A gentle wind blows
In through the window
Your shoulders shrugged low
From weighted sorrow
Your heart devoid of joy
Your mind totally blank
But deep inside deploys
A peaceful inner strength
Knowing that the Lord
Is in full control
Joy fully restored
To heart,mind and soul
By: Cindy Carter
L ive to give your life...
I ndependent of this world because of Christ...
V ictory while we stand on God's word...
E veryone of our prayers to be heard...
L augh and rejoice in Jesus...
A bility is through Him to free us...
U nder His protection and the shadow of His wings...
G ive God the Glory and Sing...
H appy to be in His family...
L ove is a gift from God above...
O bedient to Him because Jesus is love...
V ictory for the child of God...
E verlasting love to be spread abroad...
In the quiet of the morning
I seek to hear Your guiding voice
To direct my every doing
According to Your wonderful choice
Of where my feet shall go
And where the seeds be sown
Not missing any soul
For God to be made known
Small Step Of Faith
If you can't
Take a leap of faith
Then just take
A small step of faith
If you can't
Look too far ahead
Then just look
At what's right ahead
Faith as tiny
As a mustard seed
Can be mighty
When God is the lead
As the hurricanes and typhoons twirled,
I wish I could preach to the entire world.
...but I can't.
And standing so firm, like a giant red cedar,
I wish I could be a nation's great leader.
...but I can't.
Or be as appealing as double feature,
I wish I could be a big TV preacher.
...but I can't.
If I had two wishes, or even one choice,
I wish I could sing with a heavenly voice.
...but I can't.
If I could know Jesus, I mean really know Him,
I think I could write a masterful poem.
...but I can't.
I tell you the truth- that I am sincere,
but seems I can't make myself perfectly clear.
I sit here alone with but one lonely tear,
yet God says, go forth, you must persevere.
His Eyes
By Louis Gander
The multitude
was not subdued
with Jesus on display.
So I pushed near,
to better hear
what they all had to say.
It was his task
that Pilate ask,
Are You King of the Jews?
With Jesus mute
there was dispute
and so the crowd would choose.
Barabbas won,
so on the run
good Peter tried to hide.
The time was grim
when asked of him,
but three times he denied.
Now at the cross
was greater loss
with torture and with pain.
From crown of thorn
to nails and scorn,
would someone please explain?
Though not His fault,
they would not halt.
Was this unstoppable?
I called His name
so I could blame
the one responsible.
Above the din
I asked again,
"Oh, whose sin it could be?"
Through blood and sweat
I won't forget
when His eyes turned to me.
From Humble Root
By Louis Gander
A green and fragile leaf, was she
and unimportant she would be.
She was depressed.
For she was small, not very big
attached so lightly to a twig -
so she was blessed.
A small and simple twig was he
which held the leaf that waved so free.
He too depressed.
He feared, with wind he'd be detached,
yet to a branch, he was attached -
so he was blessed.
A small, but stable branch was there
which seemed to bend but didn't care.
It too depressed.
Afraid of wind, its life was grim
and so unlike the larger limb -
yet it was blessed.
A large and stable limb it was,
but it, unhappy too because,
it was depressed.
It exercised. It was a 'hunk'
but wasn't an enormous trunk -
yet it was blessed.
A giant of a trunk was it?
It had opinions so unfit.
It too depressed.
It stood unmoved with haughty face
there over root on its own space -
so it was blessed.
Now root was happy. It could sing.
It fed and nourished everything -
up through the leaves.
And it was not presumptuous
when it supplied its sustenance
to all the 'least of these'.
That root was humble under sod
and faithful to creation's God -
and it would thrive.
But then wind timbered trunk and tree!
Oh, what had happened? Could it be
the root's alive...? grow another tree, no doubt.
From humble root, a humble sprout.
Do you now see?
Take care then where your faith is at
so you do not end up like that
ol' timbered tree.
Covid Level Care
By John Janzen
Suppose for every cough or sneeze
We asked the person, "Would you please,
Submit to simple Covid test?"
"Oh thank-you sir, you are the best!"
And just to make things safer still
Let's isolate against their will
To slow the spread of this disease
Which stops with herd immunities
A new perspective may be wise
To place before our hazy eyes
What if this Covid level care
Would be applied just anywhere?
At every hotdog stand on earth
A protest would be giving birth
For chilidogs with extra cheese
Might lead to deadly heart disease
Oh please don't take that Sunday drive
Though chances are you will arrive
The fear is that perhaps you won't
So safer still if you just don't
Avoid the draw of nature walks
For poison plants and jagged rocks
Are poised the careless to oppose
With itchy rash or bloody nose
To see your local Walmart store
Should galvanize you all the more
To steer quite clear where people are
They're far from good, but good from far!
And now the moral of this poem
The point I'll make to drive it home
Just what if "Christ in us" would share
This highest level Covid care?
Remarkable would be the sight
If wrong was wrong and right was right
How do you think the world would fare
If God got Covid level care?
He Knows
The Lord knows what you will need
He knows what lies in your tomorrows
You can trust God with your needs
Be it in days of joy or sorrows
The bitter days and rough journey
Won't be able to bring you down
For in the Lord's care and Mercy
You will get through them safe and sound
A name so dear
By Royston
A name above all
on whom people call.
A name revered
and by devils feared.
A name so dear
that we love to hear.
Who bears that name
and deserves such fame?
Emmanuel, God with us.
They called His name JESUS.
You're Free
by Kristie Lamb
You're free
You're free from accusation
You're free
You're free from condemnation
Your loved
Your loved by the Father
Your loved
You are his son or daughter
You're safe
He is your strong tower
You're safe
He is with you every hour