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Decorative Objects

God is love

God's love is always free. He gives to anyone that comes to him. No matter who you are. And what you have. His love never changes. It is unconditional Never ending. Not like a story book. He is thinking of you everyday!

-The Caring Angel Stargrl232-

Horse Rider

Properly Dressed

The bible has the verse on not to have lust for other's. 
But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in is heart. Matthew 5:28.So that means that if one is dressed like that it will cause men to stumble .Even those who are married. Some might fall into the temptation.
Properly dressed is not showing stomach that makes a man lustful,
It can protect you from stalkers, and rapist. There are trafficking too,
Even women can get other women to trafficking. Loose dresses are beautiful too. And nice they are comfortable.

You do not want to attract the wrong ones. But by dressing showing where they can have lust for you. They only want one thing mostly and Christians knows it is better to dress appropriately. Christian men can fall too. Women is not a display of meats.
God wants to protect you from harm. And there was a news that a women. She was wearing a very revealing to her pants. She went to a club and she met a guy .Because a guy talked to her. And later they left together. She got killed. He was married too. Also some men not want their women to be looked at by other's too. It is not about jealous it is about other's might flirt with them. And even if they are taken. Some do not care .If the women is alone being out at least they can be protected not wearing so revealing clothings. Even if you not wear lustful clothings. There are less chances of you being approached by wrong ones. There are too any that sleeps around high chances of diseases. Herpes, and std's. Sleeping with many partners will have a high chances of it. And wearing those can lead to it if some falls into temptation of wanting to sleep with many. Also better to not show stomach too. Where you can see the skin of it, And not showing too much chest. To where it shows it to be lustful. And when wearing bikinis. Many are showing it too revealing. To the part where it will causes lust.
There's a benifits to dressing lope and comfortable clothing too. It will not cut off circulations. Only tight clothings of anythings will. And not good for the health.


God is our father and never a mother.Because the bible never mentions feminine names to him.It always says father.The bible said not to add anything else to the bible.It is as as all you see.Stays there.If anyone comes to you saying he is the mother it is not of the will add confusion.And that is what the devil wants.

I am mentioning this it might help you if you came across people telling you this.Plus it will add knowledge to you of this too.I mention this because I came across two times.At different months being approached at a mall by two females.Last time was a female with her mother in law.Telling me this.And than another time recently two females came to me while I was just walking in the mall.So two times was at the mall.Wanting to get my number inviting me to bible studies. Do not give out your numbers.And if you come across them.Some might be cults.Some might not be cults but believes something different.I did not give my number out to any of them.

The bible does not teach of a heavenly mother.God is referred to us as a father. These website will tell you more infos.Of the cult believing in God as the mother.

The Bible In Your Heart

I am sure everyone in the world. Has felt worry, fear, and more. If remembering the words of the bible will help. Your journey in this life.
It will calm you bring you joy.
It can comfort you in times of fear. When you remind yourself of the words from the bible regarding that. So every time you have any of those concerns anything you are going through just think in your head to put what you had read in the bible to bring comfort. It will knock off the negative lies that Satan is filling your head at that moment that you are feeling those negative thoughts. 

This will tell you what the bible means.
It is all in alphabetical order.

Amen-What is said now being the truth.

Apostle- A person sent by another, a messenger.

Christ-A Greek word that means anointed. In Hebrew means Messiah.
Disciple - One who follows.
El-Shaddai-El means God Shaddai means almighty.
Hallow- Means to make holy.
Resurrection- Christ risen.
Sabbath- To rest from labour the day to rest.
Savior- Rescuer.
Submit- Knowing the will of God.
Tabernacle- A house or a shelter where people live.


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