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If you feel trapped no way out you think it seems and you are feeling like you are locked.There is a way.God is there. You not have to fear.You are not alone.You may feel alone cause no one always understands cause no one is perfect.The only love you will find that is gauranteed to say forever is God's and Jesus love.There is no guaranteed love out there that for sure you think will stay forever weather it be with friends,family or relationships.It is uncertain with them all.Situations changes other's and people changes.The words that you hear might be saying to you they will never leave.But when things happened they might.Or had.
As Deuteronomy 31:8 says It is the Lord who goes before you.He will be with you;he will not leave you or forsake you.Do not fear or be dismayed.
Say for example someone dedicated a song to you.But it not be of those words anymore of how they feel to you from the song.That they will do for you.But with God his word will always remains the same.
He will keep his promises always.As the bible says he is the same today,yesterday,and always.God will never be your past because he will never forsake you.He will always be your presence.
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