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This is where you can check back anytime to see if there are any prayers for you to help pray for the world about. And if you forgot what to pray about you can come back here to do so. As often as you like to this page to look at it. And if you like you can stay on here praying. It can be repeated as often as you like of praying these to God. Prayers are the ones with a star next to the prayers. Like this ------> *
All prayers listed here is prayers requests.
Whenever there are new prayers added it will always be at the bottom of the page.
*There was thieves that stole from a church and a guitar that meant
a lot to that person.and they stole cash,ipad,computer they are not caught yet.The church said they hope they will be saved the thieves that is.And will know the Lord.Change their life.If you can pray that the belongings to that church is all returned.And that the people's are saved and becomes Christians.Also that all the Christian churches are blessed and no harm to them also nothing stolen.
*Motorcycles had disobeyed laws and speeds.
I had seen many speeds.
Can you pray they not speed?
Dangerous they get into accidents and can kill people's.
I had seen many cards stopped at the stop light which they were supposed to.
than this motorcycle was speeding and went.
So the tip for you all is not to drive a motorcycle,Hardly Davidson's.And not ride in them.
Their motorcycles were in pieces,And the guy was laying on the ground.It should be banned those vehicles like Motorcycles and Hardly Davidson's.For safety.Many motorcycles has the temptation to speed.
*The economy is expensive for many people's.And I wish for the economy to be not so that they all will have enough money always.The condos high rises all being built to be high prices.And the locals cannot afford it.It can increase crimes too.Some business are forced to close down because too many high rises are being built.So there are pros and cons to it.
*There are a lot of scams out there.Calling people's.So if you see a number you not know do not answer them.They target all household and cell phones.Also block them.The scammers are also in the streets.Standing holding signs.Many are.
*Climate change is another good thing to pray about.It can affect not only humans.Also on distinction on animals also. Sadly.It can harm plants too.
*There has been news of thieves breaking into stores.And robbing taking things.Not all is caught.But some is still looking for them.
*I wish all states and countries would ban ivory sales.Poor thing elephants.Hopes the world will ban it as well.Around 20,000 a year of elephants are being slaughtered due to the global demand for the ivory.
Many animals are being in danger of being instinct even Gorillas.Because of poaching is one of the reasons.They need vegetation to survive.They feed on plants and built nests in trees to rest.Agriculture,mining, and farming make the people's cut down the trees.That reduces the availability of foods.
*The fires were happening a lot it killed many koala's.They are hoping that they can help protect them.Dogs,cars even kills them.Trees that are chopped down is no good too.Sadly the numbers is increasing of them dying.
*Sea otters was near extinction from people hunting them.Oil spill can kill them when it spills from the ship.A particular sea urchin eats this kelp and destroys it.Leaving no more foods for the animals.Only 1 animal can stop this is the sea otters.The sea otters feds on sea urchins keeping them from destroying it.They are cute too. Otter families often holds hands as they nap,swim.
*Purse snatchers are rising.Stay safe.Let's pray no more.A teen was wearing gold necklace the thief hurt him and stole it.A man waiting in his car for his wife the thief held a gun to him demanded to give him the car.An elderly was going to church at 5 am and the thief took her purse violently and dragged her to the ground.When she finally let go that man kicked her. She was injured.
*Too many gun crimes,If only guns were banned.People kills out of anger.Some because they wanted something.Stealing.Gun crimes happened when guns was introduced to this world.Some can order it online the news said.If they wanted guns.
*Scams so much is happening of it since a long time ago.Until now.Now the Bitcoin Network,And USA Tech is scams.A woman lost over $60,000 in a Bitcoin scheme.Some lost over $100,000.Hope these scams of the titles listed above all stops.And no one joins.That no one ever get scams again.From anything.Internet,phones,people you see asking you to join things.Just look up scam and the name of what they asked you to join to see if they are.If you were asked to join.If you wanted to join something.
It was on the news.Some officers would shoot by mistake and they are killed.The victims that is.The woman officer went to her apartment and saw a man.He was a good Christian man.That was his apartment.She should not have pulled out the gun too do that.When they interviewed her she said she was scared.Thought the man was in her home.And that guy is killed.She is in jail now.For 10 years.Another one is where a police officer was called by a neighbor thinking someone broke into that person's home.The doors was opened.and when the officer went to the window he shot through the windows and killed an innocent girl inside.They were playing video games.Not all officers shoots other's by accident.
*There has been a lot of pedestrians crashes.One was walking in a marked crosswalk.Got hit.In critical condition.The driver was intoxicated.They believed that drugs was involved.Another case was a teen got hit on his bike by a vehicle than dragged him.There has been many hit and runs too.Also cars should becareful to pedestrians and bikers.Stay safe!
They said in the news to everyone if they have that virus to stay home.Plus it kills other's too.So if any has the flu it can spread to other's.Japan and South Korea has a lot of Coronavirus now it said.Many countries and states has it too.
*Sadly the coral reefs are dissappearing and might be all gone in a few years.Fishies needs them etc.
*Flus can kills many people's it killed many.If anyone has it better for them to stay home.So it not spread it.Using hand sanitizers and wash your hands often.Even after you get home.
*Deers are being hunted.And hope the deers and sea lions are never endangered. Never hunted.And same as Hawaiian monk seals.They all do not harm humans.
*Rabies is a serious disease it causes death.99 % of the rabies is from dog rabies.Make sure if you got dogs they had their rabies shot.Not all dogs has their rabies shot.Bats even has them.Cats too.Try not to come in contact stray animals incase they have it and bites you.Africa has them too that causes 95% of the deaths.It is present in more than 150 countries.Vaccinating dogs,cats,and ferrets against rabies will help.Keeping pets under supervison. Contacting an animal control officer observing a wild animal or a stray.Especially if the animal is acting strangely.
*There has been too many loud engines cars trucks,and vehicles Hardly Davidson's and mopeds illegal.Cops are are trying to catch them all.It is not good for having loud engines.It even says it is not usually good idea to drive a long time after you discover the engine making that noise.But some are putting illegal engines.Not good to drive with that.It scares animals too.
*15 year old girl was attacked by a gang of a large group of teenage boys beating her.Robbed.In NY. Just because the teenagers wanted what she had.They took off her Air Jordan sneakers right off of her foot.And stole her cell phone and debit card.She did nothing to provoke it the news said.Five of the teenagers ages 14-17 turned themselves in.Hopefully she will be healed.And that she be safe always.And that those teenagers will not do those again to anyone else.And in the world hopefully none of this happens again from any teenagers and adults of any ages.To anyone.
*They are searching for a suspect that illegally dumping trash and shoots at the witness.A 66 year old man saw 2 men illegally dumping trash.One of the man got into the vehicle and follow the driver and shot at the driver several times.The victim is not injured but his rear window was shattered.
*Many people's at a cruise ship had coronavirus.21 people had tested positive for coronavirus.One of them had gotten off of Mexico from that cruise ship that had the coronavirus.
* Let's keep praying that the coronavirus disappears forever in this world. In all states and countries.Only Antarctica do not have it.Hope business will not close.Many things are running out in the stores,because people is preparing for this since this had happened and also some states and countries schools are closing.Jobs are being cut for many.and if you all can keep this in your prayers also.Let's all pray all who comes to this webpage will be safe always and never has the Covid-19 from the world,.I care for you all stay safe! I prayed for you all.And this world.
*Whales are being hurt by boats,catamarans,canoes,etc, the news said to becareful when in the ocean.It is whale season.Many are in the ocean.And the whales will get hurt.
*Economy hopefully will be not worst.Many jobs are being lost,hours being cut,furloughs,and less pay.Sadly because of the coronavirus. If there are not that much customers they will have to let them go.They are not making that much money and so they cannot afford to pay to so much employees.Not many people are going out.Because of that coronvirus.And many foods are disappearing on the shelves in the stores.People are buying to prepare for this.To stock up. Incase it get's worst they cannot go out.Some already not out cause to protect themselves because their state or country has a lot of the coronavirus. But hope there will always be enough foods and things will be at the stores whenever anyone goes to buy them.But it is good people are buying to stock up.Just hopefully if there is a cure and this disappears economy will be better.Let's pray there will be a cure soon.If it takes so long for a cure it does affect the economy.
*Hopefully there will be a cure forAlzheimer's.Let's pray on that.
*Sadly small business owners usually cannot collect unemployment when they are show down.Hope they have a way to help small business too.Some has to shut down because of the coronavirus so they have some business shut down.To prevent it incase it can have it since it is a crowded area.Public places with too many crowds is not allowed to be opened.
*Many college students on spring break are traveling ignoring the signs of not to.It can spread the virus to them and to their families when they get back home.Or if they had it and they traveled it can spread.I saw a video of two college student saying they still will go.There is a high warning to not travel.
*There aren't enough ventilators in some parts of the world.Hope there will be.To help save lives in the hospitals and hope all that they need they have everywhere in the world.
*Hopefully those that are stuck wherever they are that has enough medications.If they needed to take it for their condition.
*There has been many thefts during the pandemic.Sad.In stores.While other's are working at the store.
*They are searching for 3 suspects that involved an armed robbed and kidnapped also terroristic threatening.Sad this happened.It happened in the dark am.
*Sadly heard the story of already got pushed by elderly lady.On the bus.The lady did nothing wrong.Hope the lady is alright and never be pushed again and that it not happen to no more.
*Good news a cure has been found and claimed that it works by a doctor from San Francisco.And be used on other's that has the Covid-19.They said if any vaccine is there in the world they will have to take time to test it out and have it approved in many months to ok it if it works of the vaccine.Just better for it to be soon to be approved and to be used on other's that has Covid-19 so it saves plenty more from dying and getting it.Too bad it takes so long for it to be approved of any.The doctor already sent it to the military.And waiting for them to approve it.They will test it out in the summer.Hopes this works for the patients.
*This is not the time to release prisoners due to overcrowding in jails when their time is not up yet to be released sadly if some wants to make a change and work there are hardly any jobs.Now a days since this happened.And some will have to end up stealing and doing crimes.Not all but some might be tempted to.Hopefully those that were set free early will try to change and have a good life to not do crimes.It will make a criminal record if they do more.Affects certain jobs they apply.And they might be going back to jail for a few years again after being released and doing crimes.Many released early from prison were rearrested after doing crimes.
*I hope and pray financial blessings and blessings to all in the world.And to you all too.
*Hopefully no more bullying to students from students in any states and countries.Some leads to them suicide the ones that are bullied sadly.
*A hit and run leaves the 81 year old man laying in the streets they are trying to find the person that did that.The pedestrian was in a marked crosswalk.
*Prayers requests goes out to Koala bears they are so cute!Poor thing them fires were there again where they stay/and they got injured.Often there are fires but hope no more.And that they will be safe!
*There has been news saying masks and gloves is in the streets.It is litter.And it can go to the sewers and into the oceans.That would be full of germs too.o the ocean and kills the sea life.Like fishes,anything.States and countries of some do that of the people's.But not everyone does that.The disposables gloves an masks should be thrown into the trash.Not in the streets.
*Many Hawaiian monk seals are dying.Entanglements and toxoplastmosis are common of the causes to the death of them.A pregnant seal died.The news said to report all stranded animals to the hotline (888)256-9840.
*There has been robbery at the stores demanding cash and threatened them with a gun.
*Climate will be more hot in the year 2020 in the summer time it said.Hopefully not so hot.It will be hard on some people's.
*Many are evicted because they cannot afford to pay rent.And some left with no homes because they are evicted.Some people's in this world lost their jobs or are laid off.Let's pray no one get's evicted and that no one charges high rent.And not raise it either.So that people's can afford their rent and paying their mortgage if they own a home.
*There had been many vandalism of stores.
*Many graffiti are sprayed on the walls.Even closed down business of the boards up.
*Wish there are no wars in the world but peace to all
countries and states.Also to forgive and move on.
*A women is robbed at a bus stop of the bus pass and cell phone she got slapped too by this female that was released early from jail.She was arrested.Let's pray for safety the the women that go robbed.And anyone waiting at the bus stop to not be hurt and not be robbed.
*A man who violated the quarantine was out shooting chickens.With a gun.He was arrested.And charged with animal cruelty.
*Many stores and business had been damaged due to the protests of black lives matters.And many things were stolen.It had nothing to do with the business being racist.Sad.Not all protestors does that.Some is protesting peacefully.A lady was half partner with another person had to work hard to clean up the mess.Business are suffering to have to pay the damages and to restock the items by buying them again.And to repair the damages being done too.Hopefully peace and good changes comes to all races and than no more protests.Also hopefully it will gives room for car,bikers and people to go where they needed to.But harder when the protests are happening.But knowing unity in many that cares is touching to my heart to know that.I had tears seeing it.All races lives matters.There had been a change I read on the news.An officer asked a boy to see if he can join him playing basketball.So he is is showing unity to this.
*A church's van was stolen and they needed it.Sad this is.And the thieves also took the remote control to the gate to the church.The news said.They had not caught them yet.And this is a church school that teaches kids.They are raising money to buy another vehicle for the church.Hopefully their van will be found.And if it is not than hopefully it is raised of enough money to get a new vehicle and that it never be stolen again from there and any other churches min the world.
*There has been protests of Black lives matter but why break and burn down stores and steal from them.To take it out on them.They are not the ones that killed that person.It is only destroying their communities.Some cannot get their medications at the stores pharmacies.And many stores had to be closed down.Some stores were burned down and even some broken into.Some may be laid off because no jobs for them as stores are closed.
*Giraffes are endangered.The only white one left is in Kenya.The two white rare giraffes were killed.Sad that those beautiful rare ones are killed.The mother and her baby.Many were killed just for their tail.They are not arrested yet they are still investigating on who killed them.It is not illegal to kill giraffes there.Hopefully the last white giraffe will be protected there and no one will ever kill that one always if you can all pray for this.The dead giraffes were found by the rangers in Kenya's Garissa County.They said the community of Ijara in Kenya is the only community in the world who are custodians of the white giraffe.In a statement they said it is a very sad day for the community of Ijara and Kenya as a whole.
*A 15 year old was running away from a killer that was chasing him.He made it and got away from that killer.That person shot his father and killed him.Sad.He had seen that and had to go through all of that.His mother has cancer is reunited with him.He has two more siblings.Let's pray the mother will be alright healed om cancer.And that the mother will be safe.And that the boy and siblings are safe.
*Another news that a man yelling and cursing at people's. After a woman asked him politely to comply with the store rule of wearing a mask.He yelled and started to harass an elderly woman.Sad there is no love and peace when during these times.They are trying to protect their loved ones and if other wears it it protects other from getting the virus.It protects from other's giving it too.Some might have the virus symptoms might not show or yet.And it is better to wear it.Now a days it is mandatory to.To keep people's safe.That person finds it selfish that he did not wear the mask.
*Schools might be reopened in many states and countries.Hope it will open successfully and parent's can go back to work as needed.And that all goes well.To keep students safe from the virus.They are talking about separating desks etc.And some parent's cannot go back to work because they have to watch their kids.They think it is good they go back to school.Saying keeping students at home can lead to social isolation, prevent schools from identifying learning deficits,abuse,depression and other issues.
*The news said there has been many burglaries and thefts.Even break ins on homes.Car thefts.And even when there were teens and kids sitting inside the vehicle waiting for their parent's to get dinner for them all to eat.A 14 year old was killed.Two other siblings escaped or were pushed put.When the driver took their vehicle.
*Wherever these elephants went when they stepped out of Botswana, they were either killed or they were shot by hunters.Sad.Hopefully elephants of any nationalities will be safe.Mysterious cause of hundreds of elephants deaths are in Botswana.Anthrax as well as poaching as the tusks were found intact.Onf of the causes being said is toxins as the cause.Some bacteria can natualy produce poson particulary in stagnant water.Several live elephants appeared weak some show signs of disorientation,difficulty in walking or limping.
*An 18 year old girl was knocked down with a metal object there were a few guys that were there too that did that.The 18 year old was with a 19 year old guy.They were just walking.Sad this happened.It was at night 11 pm in Chinatown.And when the girl got back her conciousness the girl knocked her and stole her purse.They police still not caught them yet.Hopefully the girl that got attacked and the male that was there with her is safe always.And never robbed again.And that the purse will be returned to her.
*A fifty something year old man got attacked and robbed.
*There were some shooting of the building at night.I female got killed from it.And an elderly man is injured.They are still trying to catch the people's.Still have not found anyone yet.
*There had been a lot of store robbing.They threatened them with a gun demanding cash.A man robbed a 7 -Eleven.They are still trying to catch him.He covered his face.
*Monarch butterflies might be endangered.
*There is a coin shortage now a days because of the pandemic.Hope the bussinesses and everywhere also the world will not be short of it.
*Many are running away.Any age.Even teens or adults.Hope there isn't any domestic violence and abuse.It can lead to many to run away.To go away.The streets are not safe.Dangerous and they can catch Covid.Kidnapped,raped.On the news there was a teen that ran away.The father divorced his wife and when the teen ran away.He had Covid before that.And the police put them in quarantine to keep them safe.And public to be.So it cannot spread it.They said the teen did not wear a mask.And refused to comply with the isolation order.And refuse to wear a mask.And was out with his friends and exposing lot's of people's.He ran away multiple times they said.His father not wear it.Got caught and said he was trying to get his son he ran away.Not all run aways is from domestic violence.Some run away cause of arguments.
*There are 3,500 Asian elephants left in the wild.They face exinction because of ivory poaching and habitat destruction.Let's pray for this to end of all of that so they will not be extinct.The national cooperative breeding and management program is maintaining a healthy population of Asian elephants in North American zoos.Let's pray that none of them have a shrort life.That their health will be good. It helps them be safe in the care of them.Being at the zo having some of them there.For other's to enjoy.And they are cared for too.The baby Asian elephant died with health problems. He was the firstAsian elephant to be born in the zoo.The zoo of the project is to continue his species.
*A man was demanded of the car to be taken and he got hurt by the thief that hit him with the gun.It was 1 am when that happened.The news said.Many car jackings are in the world.The police are looking for them now.
*Sadly many landlords are violating the emergency eviction ban it said.And many were evicted.The emergency eviction ban is meant to keep people housed and safe during this heath crisis in the world.There was this man it said on the news that the landlord threatened to kick him out if he did not pay the rent.He was paying half of the rent.And because his job had cut half of his salary.And the landlord evicted him.He and his wifwe also child moved out.Hope they are safe and are in a home.Hope no more landlords evict tenants during these times.Hope after if the pandemic is over that all will be able to pay rent and bills.Also to have a job if they needed it.
*Another car jacking took place.A male and a female was pointed a gun threatened by two males to take the car of the victim who is 20 years old.The female was 21.It was at 10 pm.The guy took the victim's car and the other male drove off in another car.They are still on the run.The victim's car is found in another place.
* Sadly manyAsians are attacked they done nothing wrong.And one lady was pregnant walking with her 12 year old daughter.This woman just suddenly came to her spray water on her yelled at her.No one of any race should be experienced of that.They are still looking for that woman that attaced her.Punched theAsian in the face.
*Many employees are getting harrassed,some beaten up.Just by saying they need to wear a mask to enter.That is the companies rules to protect all to prevent Covid to the visitor and everyone.Sadly there was a 17 year old dressed in a charector uniform at a Sasame street theme park and asked the people's to wear a mask.And that person punched the 17 year old and sadly he had to get a jaw surgery.His jaws were injured by the punch to him.And hope that 17 year old will be healed of the jaw.And that it not happen to him again.If you can pray it not happen to anyone of any ages of employees in the world.
* There had been stores being hit of the brokened glasses and 4 stores was hit in a week.Shoes stores were hit and other stores and the clothing store they stole clothes and they are trying to catch them the police trying to find them.It happened at 1 am.
*There was this ex boyfriend of the mother that got killed by him.He shot her.The 10 year old daughter was on a computer because of the pandemic so it is a class online.On Zoom.And the bullet went to her screen.And ther ewere 6 other childrens in that house.The cousins lives near by.Sad that the mther was killed that the child had to witness to that.Hope the kid's computer will also be bought a new one for her.And that her and the other children will be safe and someone will care for them.The relationship was known of past violence from that guy.He was arrested.
*People are not getting unemployment this week.Hope they all get it continually as on as the pandemic ends.They need it.And as long as there is no cure yet many jobs are not there for other's.But there are some jobs.And many rely on the unemployment to pay rent, pay bills and get foods.
*There was a Christian man that invited the neighbor to dinner his kid went to the neighbor's lawn.He said love thy neighbor,That is what the bible teaches.The guy that he invited over shot his son.Just because he did not like his kid going to his backyard lawn.Who is 5 years old sad that he got shot.And he got arrested.That neighbor did not show any signs of not getting along with that man who invited him over.They never had anything against each other.Hope when after if he get's out of jail he will not shoot his other kids.And that the Christian man's heart will be comforted an d his family.Also to be kept safe from any harms from if he harm him and that no one harms the Christian man.That man shot his kid in front of his two younger siblings.And a 7 year old aunt.
* A lot of stores robbing.Even 7-Eleven and they are not arrested yet because the police are trying to find out who it is.That had the gun to go into the store.
* There has been many wildfires in can in SFAlso in the South side.Also in LA.Many had to evacuate from their homes.More than 12,000 dry lightning strikes started the blazes during an historic heat wave.The governor of CA had asked help for the best fire fighters from Australia.They sent them.And other states and countries had helped them.Sad when homes are lost and their things and lives.But many are alive.Hundreds buildings were burned down.This was all due to the lightening.
*Business are closing and many more are struggling.
*They said mail in votes can be turned into fraud.So it is not accurate.They said better to go bring in the voting ballots.
*The thief had taken the victim's purse who is 55 years old and went into a vehicle.The person that stole it.Hit her with a bat.It happened at 4 am the news mentioned.That person is not caught yet.
*There are children at home for school.But not that many has access to laptops it says sad.Because they requires internet learning.For the pandemic.Hopefully all will get a chance to learn.
*Small bussiness and some restaurants are closing temporarly Because some not have the help of income.
*There has been many wildfires in the states.Some of it.Hope it ends.Sad some missing and some people's homes destroyed.Also some died.There was a teen that was 13 year old died in the car with his grandma.His mom could not save her mom or she will not survive the fire the mom said.The teen boy went inside to get the grandma.And tried to save her they believe.The fire probally went to the tires they said.Sad.The mom and father is alive.The dog was on the boy's lap and they all died.
* They are looking for a women that assulted someone.And she has 4 convictions.
*A fire has been in a home.A multiple vehicles were on fire.The people's escaped.A 19 year old,a man in his 40's and a kid.Who was home at that time.Hope no more homes get burned down.Sad when people's homes are burned down and they loose everything.It is unknown how the fire was startted.Hope they are able to move back to their home and no more fire to there again.
*Many business has been brokened into again.And stolen of things.In many states and countries.If only security and police is patrolling night times also.Near the business.One of the business could not open until Dec because of repeated break ins and stolen items.They have to repair the damages.Even when night time when owners lock up their stores safety to them hopefully no one steals from them.Of what they are carrying or wearing.Some goes by bikes or by foot to grab their belongings.News of stealing from their shoulders is still happening of this that the thieves are doing.
*The turtles are endangered and there has been many injuries to them.Many not survive.Boats and canoes have to watch out for them.They are hit by them.And some are rescued good thing.
*A little girl that who 7 years old was shot and killed while in the car with her mom and aunt.The news said.The aunt told the police she heard gun shots.Someone was shooting others because of arguments they believe between males with males.The child was not the target.Better if guns were banned.Our of anger being used can hurt someone else.And it just kills people's. This happened in Atlanta.Many news on people dying killed innocently by guns.
*There's many road rages.Some shoot at other's in the car.
Also there are many cars also killing other's in a moped or car by running them over.On purpose.They would go into their lane next to them driving towards them.Some fails some did not in that.Sad this is happening.
*Mopeds,motorcycles and Hardly Davidson's are dangerous and they can loose their their foot.Or life.Even their hands injured.To where it cannot be moved and is brokened the bones.All that had happened that is mentioned here.To other's.And it is not good for girls to drive it or anyone.Many motorcycles had been speeding.So it is really dangerous.Better if all is banned for the sake of their lives.They have no seat belts.They can fly off.And cars at least has seat belts.
*Sadly there has been a lot of crimes in the world now.Racism hate crimes.Robberies where some hurts the other's before robbing.Some just ask for their belongings.The news said.
*A Hawaiian monk seal has been injured.Because a dog attacked it.The seal was moderately underweight.And was suffering from head,neck and flipper swelling due to infected wounds.After the attack the seal had a large swelling on the head.And the news says the law is to have dogs on the lash while on the leash.So that it will not hurt anymore seals.They often rest upon the beaches.And some are in the waters.
Hopefully this seal will be recovered soon and will never be harmed again.And all the seals in the world.Seals do not harm no one or anything.They are so cute!Hawaiian monk seals are critically endangered species.Protected by the state and federal laws.Only 1,400 remaining in the wild.
*Sadly there is still racism.Racism of anyone is sad when crimes involved.Asians are being attacked and they were innocent.Just walking and minding their own bussiness.Even elderlies got attacked and some died.
*Delta Variants are high now all over.Stay safe!They said even with vaccinations it still is.If people are vaccinated still need to wear masks.They still can give and get it they said.Gatherings are a big contribution to getting it.The news mentioned.
*Many foods and things are recalled.Hopefully none will be anymore to be harmful to the health.
*Trees are being chopped down for Christmas trees.If you want it it is better to have fake ones.To save the trees just not buy real ones.And hope the world not chop it anymore.The world need trees for people's
*The news says to slow down.Many cars are speeding and crashed into ducks they ducks died.Sad.That was the last kind of that kinds of ducks.Not many left.
*Sadly some got vaccinated and died because of health problems.They had and still got a shot.And died.Some did not died.Because of health problems.But there are some that was not vaccinated got the Covid and was was alive.But not vaccinated got it and died.Some states and countries have to have where all workers get vaccinated.Or they get fired.Some did not want to.The news says that the shots might not lasts long.They not sure if anymote shots are needed.
*Hopefully there are no more other varients coming to the world.There are shots being taken and some wonders what if they have to keep taking shots forever?That the two shots cannot be effective against other varients.Hopefully the two shots are enough to protect against the new varients.If some wants to take only 2 shots.Because some might not be able to take too much shots due to their health.Or there might be a stronger one too strong where their body might not take it.Due to health problems.Some takes 3 shots.Not everyone does.That is called the booster shot.
*Let's pray for world peace.
*There has been shootings to innocent people's.Sadly.A girl was at a bus stop at 11 pm.In Chinatown.Got shot in the head died at the hospital.They are not sure what lead to the shooting.They are on the look out for a man.She was 24.Elderlies getting shot too.In different places in the world.Just any age.Stay safe you all!It is better if there are more police to patrol around even at night.Especially places where high crimes are.Many are afraid of police.Protection to the police too.But shootings can be anywhere.
*There was a teen that knows the ex girlfriend.And had robbed the other teen wanting the gold chain on his neck.He pointed a gun at him.Demanding.The other victim took out a gun.To defend himself.The robber shot the victim sadly.And he was dead.They were at a look out in the morning with tattoo on his right hand.When reported him.
*Pray for Maui and the people's there.Sadly their homes are destroyed.In Lahaina.Pray for Lahaina.It might take year for it to be built again.Historic places no more sadly too.But there are other parts of Maui is alright.Just Lahaina.The fire went to their homes and buildings.The wild fires.No one told them a warning.Important to warn them first.
*Pray for birds with 1 leg to be protected.
*Pray for peace for the world.
*There has been chicken fights because some people's put them to fight and bet on who wins. They put knives on the chicken. And innocent chickens are killed. Any ages are doing this. They capture chickens to do that.
*There has been often fires in LA. And many homes were burned down. And animals being hurt. Sad. Let's pray for them. And the people's effected and those not effected. Also for the animals to be safe. Also for those that are from Los Angeles, CA coming to this webpage. If you are a victim of the fire burned down or not. I prayed for you also. So everyone pray for them too the ones that came here to my webpage before. I wish you too safety! Stay safe! Sad for those that has homes that might not have insurance that covers the fires.
*There's still people's hunting animals. It is sad. Hope no one does that. It can make animals disappear faster.
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