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Jesus Christ was the son of God.He was crucified as the punishment or the sins of the mankind.And was resurrected on the third day.Went to heaven.Mary was the earthly mother of Jesus and not a God never was.And she is in heaven not a God.And are not to be worshiped.As the bible says do not make idols or set up statues,stone pillars,or carved stones to worship.
God sent him as a human form and suffered pain like a human.To be born from Mary.And Joseph was the father. After he died for the sins of humans he went to heaven and is a God now.He loved you all so much that he died for everyone's sins. So humans do not have to suffer for their sins.
Jesus is your Lord and savior.
There is the trinity God the father,God the son,and God the holy spirit.
Are three person's present in one God.
There is no other Gods but God and Jesus.The bible never said how Jesus looked.So it is good not to have images of Jesus.He created everyone in the form like him.As the bible states that.Jesus was kind to everyone and resisted temptations.Satan tried to temp him while he was in human form.The time he was born into a baby and than he grew up.Easter is about Jesus has been risen.And is a celebration of him.
Holy Spirit
What the holy spirit does when you believe in God you have a gift.It is called the holy spirit.It will activate.
It will do all this for you.
Shapes,mold and makes you to be like Christ.
Convicted of sin
Protects you it tells you things to be aware of.
Helps you to pray
Speaks to u
Helps us to understand the words of God
Comforts us
Here are some examples from the bible of the verses regarding the holy spirit.
Acts 8:29 "Then the spirit said to Philip,God near and overtake this chariot."
Acts 11:22 "The the spirit told me to go with them,doubting nothing.Moreover these six brethren accompanied me,and we entered the man's house."
Acts 13:12 "As they ministered to the Lord and fasted,the holy spirit said,now separate to me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them."
Acts 5:3-4 "But Peter said,Ananias,why has Satan filled your heart to lie t the holy spirit and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself?While it remained,was it not your own?And after it was said,was it not in your own control?Why have you conceived this thing in your heart?You have not lied to men but to God."
The new testament will speak of the holy spirit.
If you want to read more about it.
The holy spirit tells you right from wrong.
And makes you guilty of sin that is when you know it is from the holy spirit.
The sin that you want to do is from Satan.
So any wrong thought are not from God,and Jesus and the holy spirit.
It is a great gift to be given is the holy spirit.
It helps you in life too.
If you want the holy spirit to be activated speaking of you to certain things you want to know.
To reveal things just ask God in prayers to have the holy spirit reveals what you wanted to ask.
and he is the helper.
The true meaning of Easter
Since Easter is coming up soon on April and I felt lead to talk about what the true meaning of Easter is about.It is a celebration of Jesus' resurrection.The true meaning of Easter is about Christ.But every year it is held on a different day.That Easter is on.It should be focused only on him.He died for all sin's and is alive after that.Jesus loved you all so much that he did this for everyone.A precious great gift from Jesus and God.More precious than money and diamonds and anything in this world.He lived a sinless life.And was the only one who did.Since he came to earth and no one in the world lived a sinless life.Only he is perfect.God is perfect also.When he died for all sin's taking the punishments for everyone's sins.So no one is to die for their sins.Cause back than people had to die for their sins.Hid body was taken down from the cross buried in a cave.The tomb was guarded. And an enormous stone was put in the entrance so no one can steal his body.And the tomb later was empty.On the third of Sunday Mary Magdalene and another women named Mary visited the grave.Sitting on the rolled away stone was an angel of the Lord told them not to be afraid that Jesus has been risen.The women went and told the disciples.Jesus himself was seen that day and for days by many people's.He rose from the dead according to the bible.He hopes that you believe this in your heart and mind also to accept Jesus as your savior.Jesus and God will never forsake you.He loves you unconditionally that is why he did this for all.Happy Easter!
The legends of Christians
Christians established schools for children,giving other's the chance to read and write.There was a Christian ministry that helped saved girls from trafficking.Believing in God can also encourage others's to do good.To help other's and makes a difference.The bible teaches only good. Not bad.Anything bad is from Satan.
Christians started hospitals and to care for even none Christians.Yes Jesus followers did that.
Christians makes up to 75 percent of populations that lead the world with the best women;s rights.Including equal rights to vote,the right not to be sold for marriage.They help women' rights.The women still get's punished if someone rapes them.
The true meaning of Christmas
No where says Christ was born on Christmas day but it is a time you can use to celebrate his birth to the world.Mary listened to God and obeyed.Cause an angel told Mary that God noticed her.He had chosen her for royalty.Telling her she would give birth to a son which is Jesus.The king,and savior.Joseph an Mary was looking for a place to stay.They came to a place called Bethlehem.The innkeeper let them stay in his stable.He was born and layed in the manger.Had given birth to Jesus.God had put in her womb.And her husband is Joseph.Jesus was born in Bethlehem.When he was born the shepherds worshiped Jesus.Jesus lives in heaven.Glory to God in the highest.And on earth peace,good will towards men.
Thanks to you oh Lord for sending Jesus the greatest gift to all of us.I appreciates you dying on the cross for us all.
Jesus who he is
Jesus is the healer and one of the story was that Jesus was on a boat with his disciples.And the waves covered the boat.The disciple was afraid they might drown.Jesus gave a command to the wind and sea.The wind stopped and became calm.He had faith and was not afraid.He healed many people's.He was without no sin.No one on earth is perfect all ad sinned.He was tempted by Satan but never gave in.He never was mean always is nice.and full of love and forgiveness.He teaches what is right.Wants peace in the world.To think f other's first before him.Being considerate.And never steal or claim a land or something that is not of his.Or if he saw a table he would not just sit there or put something on it.If he already saw things on it.It means someone is using that table.That is what he would act.
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